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Meet the Team

Meet the team that built Jonas! We are a group of UC Berkeley MIDS graduate students in the Class of Spring 2020 who gathered to build Jonas for our final capstone project! 

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Aditi Hegde â€‹


Main Responsibilities: 

Django Integration with GCP



Vivian Lu​


Main Responsibilities: 

XLNet Training and Modeling



TK Truong​


Main Responsibilities:

Project Management, Bot Engine Integration



Dili Wang


Main Responsibilities: Provider Interface Integration with GCP



Please visit our GitHub for useful references and code.


The Team at Jonas would very much like to thank: 


1. Our instructors and peers at UC Berkeley

2. The authors and researchers behind XLNet - Zhilin Yang, Zihang Dai, Yiming Yang, Jaime Carbonell, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Quoc V. Le

3. The numerous doctors, nurses, survey participants, friends, and family who provided valuable feedback for bot responses and interface experience

4. The developers behind Google Cloud Platform, Django, FlowXO, Python, Pandas, and PyTorch

5. The creators of the icons we've used: eucalyp, freepik, smashicons, becrisYevgenij_Dubinko, and Get Drawings


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